"Feedathon"- The Run to Feed

   The outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has had a deep impact on the way we apprehend our day to day lives. Not only the rate of contagion threatens our sense of agency, but the safety measures put in place to contain the spread of the virus also require social distancing. Basically, it is a world war with the only exception that everyone is on the same side.

    In India, this pandemic has had a major impact on the migrant workers, daily wagers, farmers, and artisans on their livelihood because neither do they have a source of earning due to the lockdown nor do they have social security.

   Seeing the impact it had on the field of art, craft, and fashion, the founders of Sanskritii ie. Anil Tripathi and Lata Pathak planned to contribute towards society. This planning leads to the formation of Share For Care. It has taken the initiative to help out the people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. They started collecting donations from various sources. In continuation, they came up with the initiative of a charity run-"Feedathon".

Feedathon was organized on the 10th of May by a group of people which consisted of Share For Care(Anil Tripathi), Sport Shack Athletics(Shubham Bhandari), and Park Street Runners(Hitesh Tilwankar and Tarun Bajaj). They planned an indoor run and walk(at home-ensuring that the local authority's guidelines for COVID-19 are followed) of 3 km and 5 km. This run was proposed to the residents of Park Street Township and their friends and relatives.
    There was a huge response for the "Feedathon" received by the organizers from PCMC-Pune and Mumbai. Friends and relatives of some of the participants from USA, Australia, and Saudi Arabia also took part in the run. On the day of the event, there were a total number of 140 participants who covered a total distance of approximately 500 km. The organizers collected donations of ₹32,500/- which was used to serve 2031 meals.
   Share for care collected direct donations from India and abroad of ₹62,502/- and donations of feedathon, adding up to ₹95,002/- which was used to serve 5588 meals, through Lakshya Foundation( an NGO formed by Mr.Dinanath Joshi).



  1. Excellent contribution towards society

    1. Lets us all contribute towards society and lend help in all the ways we can.


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